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The one-stop platform for all your photo and video sharing

Instagram | 2 more apps |
updated on March 13, 2025
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78.3mb | free


You can update your privacy settings, so only selected people can view your photos and videos
Know who is constantly interested in your updates
Increase your social circle globally


Direct messaging can promote sexting
Hashtags can be found easily by the people with wrong intentions
Location tags can give stalkers your whereabouts
Price: $
Instagram is one of the most popular social networking service that has been trending among the youth and celebrities for quite some time now. It has been gaining popularity ever since its inception in October 2010. The app was originally built for iOS users and was later extended to all platforms.

Most of the socializing on Instagram is done through the app for Android devices, as all the features of the website are available in it. All you need to do, to use the app, is to create an account and you are ready to go.

You may then make friends on this platform, and share videos and photos to be viewed by them. Your friends can also like your shared content, post comments on it, and even share it with others on their list. Moreover, you can tag your friends, and you may also tag the places you visit, along with the photos, to make for some cherishable memories.

Instagram has an intuitive and simple interface, allowing even the beginner users to get the most out of it. Just a few clicks and you can get your desired photo or video shared to everyone. In this world of lightning speed technology, you need to stay updated, and this is the best way to do so.

You may stay online for the entire day and be updated with everyone on your friends' list. You can also show off your artistic talent through different editing effects and filters, or share your picturesque face to be liked by everyone. Of course, there are also privacy settings which can be customized as per your requirements, so that you are never stalked.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

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